Sunday, October 3, 2010


For the Hamlet unit, I have been selected analyze the use of Marxist principles in the play. Marxism is the economic and political theory developed by Karl Marx to create parity in a nation (and eventually the entire world) through the sharing of all resources. To perform this task, Marx advocated for the destruction of the economic elite (known as the bourgeoisie, replacing it with rule by the working class (the proletariat). While in theory Marxism allowed for the prosperity for an entire nation due to the sharing of wealth, lack of freedom and motivation to work hard and innovate prove to be its downfall, even though lighter versions of it have been implemented by governments.
Marx's reasoning behind tearing down the upper class was that lower workers were being abused by the elite, with no chance of reaching success parallel to their richer counterparts. Seeing no way for this to come about in a natural capitalist society, Marx felt it necessary to impose such tactics through law, believing that hopes of prosperity and wealth for an entire nation would become the catalyst for a stable and balanced economy.