Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Academic and Intellectual Profile:

Books I Read This Summer
How to Read Literature Like a Professor by Thomas C. Foster
The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood
1984 by George Orwell
Real Sex by Lauren F. Winner

Other Reading Material:
The San Mateo Times
The Wall Street Journal
Sports Illustrated

Before I Read:
I usually settle in a comfortable place, whether it is my couch or my bed. My preparation ends there.

While Reading:
I read at a slow pace, sometimes rereading passages that I find challenging.

After I Read:
I have no ritual for after reading.

Myself As a Writer:
As a writer, I take pride in my ability to paint a scene using vivid imagery while also assuring that the plot moves at a steady pace. One of my major weaknesses as a writer is inability to produce interesting dialogue between my characters, which I think detracts from the quality of my stories, even thought it doesn't interfere with other forms of writing such as research or persuasive essays.

Habits of Mind:
Broad Intellectual Practices
Exhibit curiosity- 8
Experiment with new ideas-5
See other points of view- 7
Challenge one's own beliefs- 7
Engage in intellectual discussions- 9
Ask provocative questions-9
Generate hypotheses- 6
Exhibit respect for other viewpoints- 8
Read with awareness of self and others- 7
Classroom Behaviors
Ask questions-7
Be attentive in class-7
Come to class prepared- 8
Complete assignments on time- 9
Contribute to class discussions- 9
Attend class regularly and on time- 7
Additional College Expectations
Respect facts and information in situations where feelings and intuitions often prevail- 9
Be aware that the rhetoric of argumentation and interrogation relate to varied academic disciplines, purposes, and audiences- 7
Embrace the value of research to explore new ideas through reading and writing- 8
Develop a capacity to work hard and to expect high standards- 7
Show initiative and develop ownership of one's education- 8

From this list, I see my ability to engage in intellectual discussions as a major strength because it allows me to indoctrinate the person I'm talking to with knowledge, while also allowing me to see the other side of argument. However, one of my major weaknesses is experimenting with new ideas. At times, it seems like I become too dependent on one way of solving a problem or answering a question, which hinders my ability to learn.

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