Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Balance of Power: Mixing Work and Play As a High School Senior

Although my existence as a Senior at Burlingame High has been a short one, I feel that I have begun to gain a primitive understanding of the challenges faced by students in this pivotal year, in and out of the classroom.
Through two weeks, I have noticed that there is a sense of pride in being in your final year of High School. My peers carry themselves with a greater sense of dignity, and even the quiet kids are beginning to express their opinions more frequently. It's like I'm the witness and subject of a massive experiment.
For me, moving to the top of the proverbial "Food Chain" is a gift and a curse. While being looked up to the rest of the school is seen as a blessing, it also comes with being given the highest expectations to meet. Already, the prospects of maintaining solid grades in my heavy course load, along with pursuing my extracurricular and social interests, look bleak. However, if there is any appropriate time for me to learn how to accomplish this feat, there's no better time than now.

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