Monday, September 13, 2010

A Comparison of Music and Poetry

Recently, I was going through my i-tunes library when I began to wonder how many of the memorable and emotionally charged songs I possessed would sound without their accompanying melody and music. Although I was only able to experiment with a small sample, the conclusion I reached was that implementing a catchy tune or subtle beat drastically add to the message of a song, and in many cases a song loses its appeal and meaning without it. This made me wonder how poets catch a readers attention without the aid of a cool chorus or sweet melody. Relying only on the poetic techniques and tools of the trade, these wordsmiths consistently hollow out poignant or uplifting pieces that appeal to the intellectual and emotional side of the human mind. While the music behind the lyrics of a song add a certain catchiness and desire, it is a merely a facade in which the true meaning of the song hides behind. Hopefully in the near future, I will stumble on a writer who transcends these two fields to create beautiful poetry that adapts to music well. While there are a few groups today that possess some of these elements, I have not seem the complete picture, something I feel that is truly missing in the written world.

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