Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Graduation: Looking Towards the Cloudy Future

As Seniors embark on their final year in high school, a slow shiver crawls down the unsuspecting spines of these optimistic students. It's on the tip of everyone's tongues, I'm just willing to utter it: College.
While the first 18 years of innocence have been a blast, sooner or later the class of 2011 must come to realize that life itself will soon be starting up, with most students either embarking into college or the job market. Even though this may seem like a rude awakening, reaching adulthood holds many perks that sometimes get forgotten during the mad rush or college touring and applying.
As we become adults, a certain level of independence is granted upon us. In return for acting in a respectable manner and abiding by the rules set by our superiors (the authorities, landlords, bosses, etc) freedom is granted to us on levels unprecedented in our lives. This is a gift in a curse, since even though freedom is a powerful tool, it must be treated with the utmost responsibility and care. As long as this taken care of, we will be able to live our lives to our hearts pleasure, a commodity not seen currently.
Despite the fear that may consume me looking towards the future, I embrace the upcoming change, ready to take whatever life throws at me in the distance.

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